
International students

DAI Long


    AssociationProfessor of School of International Law, CUPL



    Ph.D. ( Nagoya University, Japan)


Field of Specialization

   Economic Law, International Economic Law, Competition Law


Research Papers

    TheStudy of Antimonopoly Law and Policy in China : Focusing on the Analysis ofAdministrative Monopoly, Forum of International Development Studies, Vol. 30,Sep. 2005.

   The Situation of Legislation of Antimonopoly Law in China , Fare Trade, No. 4, 2007

    Japan ’sLegal Education and Its Development in the Era of Globalization, Journal ofNanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Vol.10 No.2, Jun. 2008

   Competition Policy and Industrial Policy in the Implementation ofAnti-Monopoly Law in Japan ,Global Law Review, Vol.31, May 2009.

   The Study of Road Alternatives of China’s Law Education, Reviews of HighSchool Education, No.2, 2009.

   The Merger Regulation in The Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law, Journal of Lawand Politics, No.229, March 2009.

   The Enforcement of Concentration Control of China’s Antimonopoly Law:Focusing on Resent Cases, Review of Regulation of Unfair Trade Practices, theAnnual of the Japan Association of Economic Law 2009.

   Study on the Extraterritorial Enforcement of Japan’s Antimonopoly Law,Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, No. 5, 2009.

   Study on the Extraterritorial Enforcement of China’s Antimonopoly Law,Jurist, No. 5, 2010.

    TheTreatments of the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) under China ’s Antimonopoly Law, The JapanAssociation of International Economic Law, No.20, 2011.

   Japan’s Experience and Lessons Dealing with Trade Frictions and Lessonsfor China, Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, No.4, 2011.

Relavant Market Definition in US Antitrust Law and the Alternativesof ChinaRevueJuridique Themis (University deMontreal), Volume 45, No.3 2012.

    ThePractices and Problems of Regulation on Abuse under China’s Antimonopoly Law,Newspaper of the China University of Political Science and Law, No.378, 14, May2013.

    TheImprovement of Leniency Policy of China’s Antimonopoly Law, Pricy Theory andPractice, Vol. 358, No.4, 2014.

     TheCompetition Policy of Free Trade Agreement, The Yearbook of Forum on WTO Lawand China, Press of Intellectual Property, 2015.



    Studieson the Regulation of Abuse of Market Dominant Position, Chinese People’sUniversity Press, 2012.

   Studies on the Japanese Antitrust Law, Chinese University of PoliticalScience and Law Press, 2014.

   Studies on the Extraterritorial Enforcement of Antitrust Law, ChinesePeople’s University Press, 2015.